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English Guidance/QGIS Basics9

[QGIS Basics] Adding Labels for each Field Hello, In this post, we'll explore the use of the label feature to display field values on a map. Typically, when we look at a map, as shown below, the names of regions are displayed as text. Using the label feature, we can also display the data values we want to represent alongside these region names. Source: Google Maps Once again, let's download the Vietnam border map from the following link .. 2024. 4. 12.
[QGIS Basics] File Conversion (Raster -> Vector) Hello, In this post, we'll delve into the most fundamental aspect of file conversion, even among the basics. Fundamentally, vector files and raster files can be converted between each other, allowing rasterization (vector to raster) and polygonization (raster to vector). Often in GIS tasks, there are functionalities that can only be applied to vector layers, and conversely, there are functionali.. 2024. 4. 8.
[QGIS Basics] Refactor Fields - Changing the Field Type Hello, In this post, we'll explore how to change the field types within the attribute table of a layer. A "field" refers to the group of values that appear when you open the attribute table of a vector layer in QGIS. Think of it as columns in Excel. QGIS software provides the functionality to change the type of each field to various types such as Text, Number, etc. To illustrate this, let's load.. 2024. 4. 4.
[QGIS Basics] Playing around with Legend Hello, In this session, we'll learn how to modify the data legend of the imported CSV data. Dividing the legend is one of the most important tasks in mapping. While simply showing the locations like on the Vietnam energy power plant map above may have meaning, classifying them with different colors based on the power generation capacity of each power plant along with the location information wou.. 2024. 3. 30.
[QGIS Basics] Playing around with Symbology Hello, In this session, we'll learn how to modify the symbology of the imported CSV data. First, please load the CSV file saved in your personal folder using Ctrl+L on the QGIS main screen (for detailed instructions on opening CSV files, please refer to the previous post: https://qgis-jaehee.tistory.com/5?category=586300). 1. Changing Symbols: Once the file is opened, double-click on the file in.. 2024. 3. 27.
[QGIS Basics] GIS File Extensions, GIS File Importing Hello, In this post, we'll explore the commonly used data file extensions (file types) in GIS software and their respective import methods. When you first encounter GIS, you might find the file extensions unfamiliar, leading to confusion. QGIS supports various extensions such as GeoPackage, SpatiaLite, Shapefile, Tiff, Tif, NetCDF, CSV, etc. While the preferred extension may vary depending on th.. 2024. 3. 25.