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QGIS English Guidance/QGIS Basics

[QGIS Basics] Playing around with Symbology

by EdgeRunner 2024. 3. 27.


In this session, we'll learn how to modify the symbology of the imported CSV data.


First, please load the CSV file saved in your personal folder using Ctrl+L on the QGIS main screen (for detailed instructions on opening CSV files, please refer to the previous post: https://qgis-jaehee.tistory.com/5?category=586300).



1. Changing Symbols:

Once the file is opened, double-click on the file in the left layer pane or right-click > go to Properties tab.



In the left menu tab, select Symbology > Simple Marker, and then set the size, fill color, stroke color, stroke style, and stroke width of the symbol that will be displayed on the map.



In the Symbology > Marker tab, you can also select and apply the symbols that are already prepared.

Once the selection is complete, click 'OK'.



The symbol has now been changed.



Thank you!




